It is very important to maintain social distancing during this moment in history.
But when removing one's self from close interaction... It is important that we don't succumb to the fear and panic these situations can often lead to. We are all people. Not just statistics on a graph.
We must embrace the better angels of our nature, and keep in mind, that while we are physically distant... We must remain, socially connected.
Be safe out there.
-Deece of 1d4Rounds
But when removing one's self from close interaction... It is important that we don't succumb to the fear and panic these situations can often lead to. We are all people. Not just statistics on a graph.
We must embrace the better angels of our nature, and keep in mind, that while we are physically distant... We must remain, socially connected.
Be safe out there.
-Deece of 1d4Rounds